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Solo Answers
04-16-2011 10:03:06 AM CST
To Sarge: The United States government is very effective in social engineering. They do not want any power higher than theirs, and want all people to be dependent on them (our egocentric leaders), not God.

04-15-2011 11:11:30 PM CST
If being a Christian is so great why then are so many churches closing and so many people turning away from religion?

Solo Answers
04-14-2011 11:21:21 PM CST
To Bigfoot: Satan wants you to feel defeated, to be a loser, and if you do change it makes him the loser. It becomes more difficult to deal with an issue because it is on your mind. If you weren't thinking about it; it probably wouldn't be that big of a deal. The mind will always resist change from anything that causes a disruption from it's normalcy state unless the change brings a greater feeling of comfort than the previous state. Doing the right thing may feel uncomfortable at first, but if you persist, eventually you'll get it right. The Lord will help you if you ask.

04-14-2011 8:52:03 AM CST
Why is it that the harder I try to do the right thing about a particular thing or area in my life, the more difficult it becomes?

Solo Answers
04-07-2011 9:11:28 PM CST
To Boxer: Your desire to be with God is shared by many, but you don't have to die to be with him. You can be as close now as you will be after your demise. Also, if you care for him as you say; you would want to serve him, for to love him is to serve him, and that is something you can do now, probably better than later. The pain and suffering is temporary but your eternal life with him will be forever, find the joy and happiness in that. Live on.

04-07-2011 9:24:32 AM CST
I would rather be in heaven with Jesus than to live on earth in sin. Pain and suffering has out weighted any happiness or joy for me in this life. Is it a sin, that I have prayed for death every day for many years? Jesus is the only friend I have that I can wholly trust. I want to be with him, rather than here.

Solo Answers
04-07-2011 4:11:20 AM CST
To X-ray: Are you emotionally dead? Do you have no compassion for anyone other than yourself? The causes can be many, the cure is prayer. Brain-washing by parents, friends, government, or even self can prevent you from feeling God's presence in your life. But whether you feel it or not, it is there. Defeating God's good conscience in you is not strength or victory, it is emotional death.

04-05-2011 11:17:17 PM CST
Why can't I feel God?

Solo Answers
04-03-2011 12:53:38 AM CST
To SunnySide: Some religions believe to be Holy means to be solemn and constantly prayerful. While there are times that this type of behavior is approiate the definition of Holy does not exclude happy, jovial or funny. The definition of Holy according to Websters Dictionary (1913 edition) is as follows: Holy - Spiritually whole or sound; of unimpaired innocence and virtue; free from sinful affections; pure in heart; godly; pious; irreproachable; guiltless; acceptable to God. We can only attempt to be Holy for only God is guiltless. Part of the reason Christ gave his life was so that we could live a happy life in knowing our sins could be forgiven. I don't recall reading about Jesus telling any jokes, do you? That is not to say it is wrong or sinful.

04-01-2011 4:22:23 PM CST
Can a person be happy, jovial, funny and Holy at the same time?

Solo Answers
03-30-2011 12:34:51 PM CST
To Milkman: Well, I just hope murdering the baby is not an option. The Supreme Court justifies abortion by claiming that it reduces future crime; that unwanted babies have a high propensity to be criminals. There are many adoption agencies that will care for your girlfriend during her pregnancy and provide a good home for the child once born, at no cost. If you wish to father the child then there will be legal proceedings to deal with.

03-30-2011 4:47:28 AM CST
I got my girlfriend pregnant but she doesn't want to get married. What does the Bible say I should do? I went to my pastor and all he could suggest was to see an attorney. Any suggestions?

Solo Answers
03-28-2011 8:59:51 PM CST
To Turbo: Of course there is another planet of life, (where do you think heaven is?) and yes, angels visit earth all the time, at least that is what some people believe. As for me, I'm not sure if heaven is located on a planet or not. I sure do look forward to finding out. There can be only one Trinity, that rules over all the universes.

03-27-2011 11:19:15 AM CST
Is it unreasonable to believe that God may have created more than one planet of life? Do you believe visitors from another planet have visited earth? If it is true, would Jesus also be their Saviour?

Solo Answers
03-25-2011 11:10:47 PM CST
To Candy: While we may not want to sin after experiencing salvation, we are still human and as humans we will make mistakes, do mindless things, have moments of weakness, and do things out of a lack of faith. However, as our faith grows, we become more founded in the spirit of Christ and will try harder to live a sinless life. To love God is to emulate the life of Christ.

03-24-2011 1:25:50 AM CST
Once a person is "saved", do they continue to sin? why?

Solo Answers
03-20-2011 3:54:31 PM CST
To Soda: The calendar we observe was created by man not God so the 7th day of the week for you can be any day of the week that you observe as the Sabbath. The same is also true with holidays. No one really knows what day Christ was born so a day was chosen by man, not God. For more interesting facts google - April Fools day. Oh yeah, don't quit your job until God promotes you to another.

03-20-2011 5:01:23 AM CST
My job requires me to work on Sunday and holidays; am I going to hell for that? Should I quit my job?

Solo Answers
03-11-2011 1:52:37 AM CST
To Fito: Your statement borders on the concept of the unforgivable sin. Why would evil cast out evil. No, man's sinful nature is not God's image. The power of choice is. God is sovereign over all the heavens, and hell, but he gives you the choice.

03-10-2011 2:00:01 AM CST
If God made man in his own image, did he also make man's sinful nature in his own image?

Solo Answers
03-08-2011 3:43:07 AM CST
To Corner Girl: Miracles happen every day. Man may control your physical being but only you control your thoughts. If you have the Holy Spirit that comes with your prayer for Salvation, what you ask in Christ's name will be given to you. The power of the Lord in you is far greater than that of Satan. Keep the faith and things will change.

Corner Girl
03-07-2011 4:58:03 AM CST
I have prayed for God to take me away from this street-corner life, but the pull of Satan seems to great. I need a miracle. There are hard-hitting overseers that make it hard for me to change.

Solo Answers
03-07-2011 1:58:08 AM CST
To ZigZag: I don't know what kind of buzz you are talking about however the fact that you are asking the question implies you have some guilt feelings about it. If so, then I would suggest it is wrong for you. If not, pray about it. Doctors prescribe mind-altering drugs everyday and most people don't consider it to be sinful or wrong. You decide.

03-06-2011 1:19:57 AM CST
I feel more spiritually enhanced when I cop a buzz. So what's wrong with that?

Solo Answers
03-04-2011 2:56:11 AM CST
To Kwan: There are two schools of thought on the unforgivable sin. Some believe that you would have to have lived in the day of Christ to commit the unforgivable sin. Others believe you can still commit the unforgivable sin. The unforgivable sin as described in the Bible is to declare that the holy spirit of Christ was/is demonic and the blessings of the Holy Spirit are born of Satan not God. Furthermore, the declaration must come from someone who has experienced or witnessed the undeniable blessings of God's Holy Spirit. Some people believe that once salvation from sin is received that it is eternal. Others believe salvation can be lost if one permanently turns away from God. It is only at your death will the answer will be truly known.

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