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Solo Answers 09-16-2011 9:44:24 PM CST To Gustav: This often happens to new Christians, for as they delve further into the knowledge, and love of God, they become more and more convicted to alter their ungodly ways. At first, it can seem as though nothing is going right. This can be quite unsettling. As you grow in spirit and change to be more Christ-like it gets easier. and
There are fewer and fewer things wr6ng; more and more things will be right in your world. That's were the Cool in Christians comes in. Grow On.
Gustav 09-16-2011 3:57:59 AM CST I am a new Chrisitian but I'm not sure I like it for the more I hear the worst I feel.
Solo Answers 09-15-2011 12:14:35 AM CST To Rembrandt: In the temporary, yes. In the permanent, no. In a perfect world, no. In a fallen world, yes. For all have sinned. It would be a nice thought to be able to believe the answer to be no, but that would discredit the Bible. To be a thief or a Liar is a deliberate act and is a sin. If there is no repentance there is no Christian.
Rembrandt 09-11-2011 3:17:10 AM CST Is there such a thing as a Christian Liar or a Christian thief?
Dobkin 09-08-2011 10:12:40 PM CST In America, I was criticized for living like the devil, so I changed. Then I was criticized for living like a Christian. Seems like to fit in, I must be corrupt on the inside but squeaky clean on the outside. What a fraud!
Solo Answers 09-08-2011 4:41:13 AM CST To Joueuse: You have in you everything you need to live, but without access to breathable air you won't. God has given you everything you need, but without communication with him you cannot access his powerful force in your life.
Joueuse 09-06-2011 2:50:29 AM CST Many preachers teach that God has already placed in me everything I need. If this is true, why then do I need God?
Solo Answers 08-21-2011 4:27:58 AM CST To Shake: !st answer: research, is it consistent with the Bible. 2nd answer: Do you have the mind of Christ? Do you have Christ-like thinking? really. 3rd answer: Have you counseled with other Christians about it? Are the opinions consistent?
Shake 08-13-2011 11:13:37 PM CST When I pray how can I tell if the thoughts that come to mind are my own, or are from God?
Solo Answers 07-23-2011 1:51:42 AM CST To StandingBear: First I don't want to be one who judges the behavior of other people. What may seem wrong to me may be right to someone else, even God. I try to accept all people even if I disagree with their behavior. To those people I try to live the example of what I think is the proper behavior and pray that they may learn and decide for themselves.
Standing Bear 07-13-2011 4:55:57 AM CST Many people claim to be Christians but then live like heathens. This is probably the main reason so many non-Christians don't believe. What can we as true Christians do to counter the damage of the quasi-Christains?
Solo Answers 07-01-2011 11:55:25 PM CST To Bullet: You reap today what you sowed yesterday. Do more to get more.
Bullet 07-01-2011 2:20:48 AM CST So, where's my abundance? The Bible says it but I don't have it.
Solo Answers 06-22-2011 12:57:37 AM CST To Coyote: Before I make any suggestions, tell me what are you currently doing in the church other than sitting in the pew and listening to the sermon?
Coyote 06-21-2011 12:59:51 AM CST I been going to church for awhile now and it's starting to get repetitive and boring, what do I do to refresh my enthusiasm?
Solo Answers 06-20-2011 3:07:11 AM CST To Whitey: Many people mistake kindness for weakness. The American government promotes "wealth without work" which is coveting or otherwise known as theft. Do not despair though, God's got your back on that one. Give wisely.
Whitey 06-19-2011 12:52:08 AM CST Seems like every time I try to help someone out they end up trying to take advantage of me.
Solo Answers 06-07-2011 10:07:59 AM CST To Crowbar: Understating a topic draws an interested person to ask questions and learn more. Overstating a topic often makes the topic unbelievable.
Crowbar 06-06-2011 10:43:38 AM CST Which is better, to understate or overstate a topic?
Solo Answers 06-02-2011 9:48:10 PM CST A person could get hurt going slow, probably not going fast. I don't mind dying on my motocycle, I just don't want to get hurt.
Helmet Head 06-02-2011 7:54:36 AM CST Hey Solo, how come you ride your motorcycle so fast?
Solo Answers 06-01-2011 11:46:36 PM CST To Aya: Avoid if possible, politely if not.
Aya 06-01-2011 2:29:02 AM CST How should Christians deal with crass and abusive businesses and people?
Solo Answers 05-31-2011 12:51:17 AM CST To Otto: It's not wrong to be sympathetic to hurting people and perhaps this type of introduction will draw a person like this to listen to the message that will help them in their suffering. If those words don't apply to you then they shouldn't bother you and if they are repressed emotions then possibly you also could be helped. After all isn't church a place also for those people, hurting in spirit?
Otto 05-30-2011 9:39:52 AM CST What is up with these preachers that start their sermons trying to depress everyone with questions like: Are you hurting, depressed, injuried, broken, yada, yada, yada? Give me a break. Tell me something good.